
Thursday, December 16, 2010


Oy! With the packing and the sewing and the cleaning!

So busy this week but there has been sewings done. Yes there has. Many presents have been accomplished and pictures will be taken though they won't be posted until after Christmas since I know at least my husband has been checking this blog to see what he's getting. Sorry honey, no help here.

So excited about the move to a bigger space where I"m going to have a, drum roll please . . . studio!  I currently take up a corner of the living room. I seriously haven't dared to start some of the projects I've wanted because I just don't have the space to make them. Also, as much as I like being a work at home mom (though Susie Homemaker I am not), I need a place that's kid free. Stepping on pins hurts and I don't want a crawling baby to find one.

So, here's to a professional space and finished Christmas presents!

1 comment:

  1. LoL, I'll cheers to no pins in the feet no babies crawling on them! Thanks for the link to me being Susie Homemaker ;) I am glad you finally get a place to yourself and you can work on your big projects. Also yay to finishing Christmas presents! I still have to wrap mine....I'm behind on everything. LOVE YOU!
